Smartphoneware Best Call Notes v1.01 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9x Modded by Khisrow Safi

Both S60 3rd edition and S60 5th edition are in one installation file now.
2. 3rd ed. version catches 5th ed. version in functionality3. The problem with displaying note for a contact that no longer exists is fixed
Best Call Notes expands the functionality of your smartphone adding more options to be used during or right after a phone call.
Make and browse notes which can be tagged to the person you're currently speaking with or global notes to be displayed during any call. Call duration timer, instant call back or sms send, view current contact details, unknown numbers fast shipping to new or existing contacts, creating calendar events and many more other functions to explore.

How it works:
* When the service is activated you can access its functionality by pressing [Menu] key during a call and / or some seconds after it is completed
* During the call MENU key behavior is modified. Its first press pops up the service window with additional functions you can access during the call.
Second press - opens menu application,
third - opens phone application.
Long press - opens built-in taskmanager. Some seconds after the call (configurable) the default behavior of menu key is restored. Also the service can be configured to pop up automatically when the call started or ended if needed.
Best Call Notes consists of two main modules: Configuration application and Service module.
Configuration application
Configuration application is accessible from your
Menu desktop as any normal application. There you can start/stop the service, configure its settings and browse/edit notes you made during a call or prepare notes for your contacts to access them fast during a call.
Service state
To use Best Call Notes service you should install and start the application, then configure the needed options and turn the service on. When Best Call Notes service is activated there is no need to keep the configuration application opened. You may close it in order not to waste your device memory, the service will do its job absolutely transparently in the background. If the service is activated it is started automatically on system start. When you want to stop or suspend the service just open the configuration application and turn it off.
Service popup
* Manual only - the service functionality can be accessed by pressing MENU key during a call and / or some seconds after it is completed only.* During call - the service window will pop up automatically as soon as a call is established. Also you still can use MENU key to pop it up manually.
* After call - the service window will pop up automatically as soon as a call is ended. Also you still can use 
MENU key to pop it up manually.
Fadeout after
The service window can fade out automatically if you do not press any keys during specified in this option time period. If you set up 0 the service is not going to fade out automatically. It will fade out when you press Dismiss only.
Deactivation delay:
MENU key still can pop up the service some time after the call is ended. Here you can configure this time period.
Note browser
Here you can browse any notes you have created during the calls or create new ones to access them instantly speaking with the contact they are tagged to.

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