ALON Contact Guide PRO - designed for the empowerment of the standard books of contacts in the smartphones on Series60, and in the first place - opportunities search / navigation.Of course, in the standard program, all quite well: the search is conducted once in two fields (full name).But the search for other fields, for example, by company or position, is not there.Nor is there a search by phone number.
Speed redraw page is very good!For example, a list of 472 contacts scrolls for about 11 seconds.While in the standard contact book, it takes more than a minute.
Line scrolling is also possible, and this should only include "mouse" by pressing the joystick or navigation keys in the center.Disable - to swing to the left.
New in this version:
*. Advanced search by letters;
*. Russian virtual keyboard;
*. to choose the application as a system;
*. the auto-tuning program.