Robots kamikaze strong as terminators, harsh as the Spartans, kamikaze robots compete with each other.Typing the full light of kerosene, they jump off a cliff and look at the dispute, whose fragments will reach the finish line first.
You may say that this is madness.No, it's kamikaze robots!
Robots with a high jump off the cliff and begin to turn somersaults, beating and banging on all the stones, bumps cobblestones.Including one for a friend.It looks very fun, but from time to time at the robot arm is detached, then the leg.The winner is the one whose head will fly farther.
In the championship mode contains 30 different slopes, that can be used to put his bronerobota.The game is really so crazy, as just described.This is one of the most unusual and wild concepts that appear in games in general.
In style and spanning the atmosphere can be compared with the popular Flash-games like Shmyani penguin.Here, too, need to run the robot so that it flew as possible.But in flight they can be managed, and in between hellish racing - upgrade.
Kamikaze Robots v1.0.11 - Java Games 240x320
Kamikaze Robots v1.0.11 - Java Games 176x208
Kamikaze Robots v1.0.11 - Java Games 208h208
Kamikaze Robots v1.0.11 - Java Games 320x240
Kamikaze Robots v1.0.11 - Java Games 352x416