CMI Technologies Black &White v1.06 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Full-TgSPDA
A mobile phone is an excellent servant, but it has turned a peaceful life of many people to hell in a moment. It can be just a slight lack of attention and a confidential information from SMS or a confidential phone call information will reach unwanted hands, resulting in a disaster. It does not have to be just a wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend or a rival company colleagueof yours. Black & White Guard minimizes that risk, it automatically cleans your cell phone of confidential SMS messages and information about phone calls.
Only few people know that better phones are able to save information about realized calls or sent or received SMS into two independent lists. You can delete message but more advanced user is able to find information about its sending in another list. Similar situation is with calls. Your troubles can arise if somebody unwanted gets hold of your mobile phone. You avoid it by installing and well setting application Black & White Guard which automatically cleans up confidential data from your mobile phone. Those data including SMS are easy accessible only for you after entering the password.
Black & White Guard has another useful functions, like the Black list and mobile phone keyboard locking.
What's New :
* Quiet mode allows you to conceal incoming communication from numbers of White List. Incoming phone calls are immediately, without any notice, rejected, and registered in Safe as Missed. Incoming SMS messages are saved without delay and without any notice, depending on the settings, to the Safe.
* On phones with a physical keyboard (S60 3rd Edition), it is possible to set a hotkey to quickly open the already running application.
* After every launching of an application you are asked for each phone number on the White List if you wish to hide communication with it.
* List of supported devices has been extended on new Nokia phones.
* Language localization: French, Spanish and Portuguese added.