CallMaster V2.7.0 En translated version
Please note: All Dev versions may involve the configuration file update, please back up the configuration files in order to restore purposes!
Major update
1. [New] SMS filtering (in the original filter rules on the expansion of electricity to come and go);
2. [Improve] support the flip phone external color display shows, which set up an independent separate external display (in the caller information display the options menu to switch);
3. [Improve] emoticons come and go independent of electrical information display settings (in the come and go as electric emoticons - "Options -" come and go as electrical information set where set);
4. [Improve] Useful telephone inquiries by adding editing functions;
5. [The amendment] Other minor problems Call-pass E disk version CallMaster S60 3rd 2.700 Dev 20090627
Callmaster 2.7.0,translated from chinese to english.