Patches for RomPatcher

Patches for RomPatcher


To use all the patches needed RomPatcher!
[Update!] Added a patch for the 5800 Installserver c firmware v21.0.025
A bit of theory:
- All patches have the extension. Rmp and they must be put in the folder E: / Patches
- Some patches have the sense to put in autostart.
Brief instructions on how to use RomPatcher:
- Run the programRomPatcher
- Select the interesting patch
- ClickOptions-Pach-Apply- to activate it until the first reboot
- ClickOptions-Pach-Disable- To deactivate it
- ClickOptions-Pach-Add to auto- to add this patch to autostart.It will be activated automatically when you boot the phone.
- You can quit the program, patches will still work
In the event of various problems - switch off the phone, remove the memory card, including phone, insert your memory card, remove the problematic patches.
Author: Wadowice
The main patch:) opens full access to the system folder on the new firmware and new bodies.
There is a patch 2 - one general and another specifically for the N96 to E90
[!]Before starting the N-Gage 2 and SmartComGPS patch need to disable!
Application:With the active patch, you can delete / edit files / folders in the system folders.If you are not active, no.
Authors: Wadowice, Zorn, Swmail, WiTch3d, Jbpseudo, Templove, Fca00000
This individual patches-Installserver, intended for the one normalInstallserverdoes not work.
There are patches for these models and firmware --
N78(20.149),N79(11.049),N85, N96(12.034),5320(4.13),5800(20), (21.0.025)6220(3.46),Samsung i8510, Samsung INNOV8.As well as the universal, for allFp2 (9.3).
Application:With the active patch, you can forget about the signature programs, the last certificates and the like.We strongly recommend to put in autostart.
Author: Fca00000, Zorn
Patch to change the priority of the treatment system at some files.After its activation system first finds the files on drive C, and then only to drive Z.
Mainly used for various patchik krasotulek:)
[!]Make the most of its models can help withTHISprogram.
[!]If a patch generated atC2Z Makerwill not work (Red Cross, with activation), the order in the forum for your model, you canhere.
[!]After activating the phone may take slightly longer than * think *.It is connected with the fact that the phone have to scan not only Z but also from the disc.
[!]For each model and for each firmware patches are different!
[!]Before starting the N-Gage 2 and SmartComGPS patch need to disable!
Application:Download something that requires a patch, put it something to Lisk C and activate the patch:)
Author: Fca00000
Patch otkyvaet hitherto hidden menu items all programs.For example, themenuwill be possible to rename the icon, but inmemoryit will be possible to remove the password from memory card
[!]Not all open items is working.
[!]At 9.2 and above can not rename the icon and drag the folder from the menu.
Application:After activating a lot of new items when you left the software in all proilozheniyah:)
5.Disable Java question
Author: Santehnik
Patch will allow to disable Java applications persistent requests for access to the network and file system, and so on.
Usage:copy theSystem Folderon drive C to activate the patch, go toApplication Manager,select your favoriteJavaapplication, clickOptions, open,and set the necessary rights for the application
Author: Az.MORF
After applying the patch it will be possible to edit the messages from the request * # 0000 #
Usage:Copy the folderZ: / resource / versioninC: / resource / version,changing their contents, both activate the patch.
7.Clean Active Standby
Author: Alberto Bilheteria
Removed from the standby mode is not needed items.Minus that, it is necessary before applying patches to disable the active mode, to apply the patches, to activate the active mode.
[!]For 9.1/9.2 and 9.3 for the individual patches!
Application:DisableActive standby,apply patches, including theactive standby.
8.Lang Selection
Author: Santehnik
The patch changes the order of the input language, is called when you click on the pencil (asterisk)
Usage:Copy a folder toZ: / resource / multitapinc: / resource / multitapfiles you need languages (eg Russian and English), use one of the 2 patchikov (what goes), and they will appear first.
9.Shange Browser On Key 0
Author: Fca00000
The patch, is used to launch a browser redirection button (long press of 0), to its application.(The default is Opera 8.65)
Application:Detailed instructions for the purpose of its application is in the archive, next to the patch.
10.Any app on Gallery Key
Author: piskor
The patch, is used to start the destination application by pressing the button Gallery (The default is X-Plore)
Application:Detailed instructions for the purpose of its application is in the archive, next to the patch.
On 11.Change Shutdown image
Author: NokiaVista
The patch replaces the image when you turn off the output skew(NOKIA).
Usage:Copy the folder resource to the root of drive C, use the patch.Turn off the body:) We strongly recommend to put in autostart, to achieve the effect.
Author: zoellner86
The patch removes the blue kruzhochek running applications in the menu.
[!]A small FAQ on the sign -here
Application:9.2 - patchik apply, go to Menu, Options, Exit.Go to the menu.For 9.3 - Copy the folder resource to the root of drive C, use patchik for FP2, go to Menu, Options, Exit.Go to the menu.
Author: Wadowice
Pacht hides notice arising when connecting and disconnecting the charger, and when fully charged batteries.Simply put - the phone did not respond to zaryadnika box and complete the process of charging.Trifle, but as it turned out very nice:)
Carefully choose patchik for the model (N78, N81, N82, N90, N96, N78, 5800) If your model does not, try patchik Others, if it does not help - try patchiki from other models.If this does not help - is not destiny:)
Applications:Carefully select the target patchik, activate and set it to autostart.
14.Disable Camera Sounds
Author: Microx256
The patch removes the sound at the photo shoot.It works not on all phones.
Usage:activate patch in your camera, select the 4th sound, and enjoy the quietness:)
Author:-miniME -
It removes a constant reminder, when using unregistered SIM cards.
Usage:Activate, put in autostart, forget about the constant reminders.
16.Remove LED on foto
Author: Wadowice
Patchik deactivate the red light when the photo / video shoot.Works on N85, N96, the other most likely will not work.
Application:To activate the patch, turn off the flash, shoot.To activate - deactivate the patch, turn on the flash.
Author: Wadowice
The patch, which, when clicked on duty click the phone will not power off, and reboot.More pressing is not short changed.Just to be working on the N78, N80, N81, N82, N90, N95, N96, 5800.If your model does not, try patchiki from other models.If this does not help - is not destiny:)
Applications:Carefully select the target patchik, activate and set it to autostart.
Author: Wadowice
The patch and the utility to change the MAC address embedded WLAN.My WLAN MAC Address can find the command * # 62209526 # in the standby mode.The application as such, can only be aware of people;)
Usage:After installing the program, and activate the patch, open the file ChangeMAC.dat at the root of the memory card.and replace tamoshny WLAN MAC address to the new one.
Author: CODeRUS
The patch for the change of system combinations (* # 0000 # * # 06 # ...) on their own.Open the patch, it explains how to change the combination on their own.
[!]Modified keycombpatch for Rompatcher -here
Use:Activate and learn new combinations:)
Author: Fca00000
With this patch, you can make it possible to launch third-party applications voice:)
Application:Detailed instructions for the purpose of its application is in the archive, next to the patch.
21.Change Splash Screen
Authors: Wadowice, Leetut, Wook
The patch replaces the image when the output body(NOKIA)BEFORE entering PIN.
Usage:Copy the contents of a folder in C drive C, the contents of a folder on your memory card EF.Activate patch, add in the autostart.After a 1-2 reboots everything will just work.
More information can be found HERE
[!]On the phone without a removable memory card, make a special care.
[!]On the phones Nokia N73, E51, 6290, and some other works.
PSthere are a couple of patches, but they are so useless that I am not even covered.
All additional information can be found on the forum -here.
As the main link - all the patches together(Except c2z).Each patch must be supplemented by some information on configuring / using.
[!]It does not take any responsibility for anything:) The entire responsibility on you.

Patches for RomPatcher
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