A Drop Of Brad

Name: Brad Thompson

Age: 32

Tell me about yourself:
My interests include muscle cars, lowrider bikes, 50's clothing and culture, bmx riding and drinking with friends.

How many tattoos do you have: 3

Age when you got your first tattoo: 23

Do you have a favourite tattoo?:
My jack in the box because it was my first and still unique, I have not seen any others yet.

Any more tattoos planned?:
Yeah I might get my arms sleeved or a chest tattoo. Not sure what to get yet, I am still toying with ideas.

Favourite style of tattooing…background?:
I dont have a favourite style but I hate tribal tattoos on people that have no tribal background or history in there bloodline. Maoris have a strong tribal history and so do brazilians and africans but not bogan white dudes.

Have you ever felt judged, prejudiced against because of your tattoos?:
Not really, on the odd occasion I have been followed by a store security because I look suspicious but having worked in retail since having my tattoos it has not stopped me from sellng well and getting promoted. A lot of people even make positive comments on them.

What is your tattoo story?:
My first tattoo I got at Purple Haze was the jack in the box but at the time it was just the clown head in black and white. Then a couple of months later I wanted to make it bigger and came up with the jack in the box idea and got it done. Then I wanted colour so I had some copies of the design and mates and I would colour them in to work out what would look good. About a year later I wanted something car culture related
and retro looking and drew up the Lady Luck with flames, pistons, spark plugs and checkered flags.

The last one I had done just 2 weeks ago at Immortal Ink in Berwick and it is of my two girls' names and dates of birth. Pretty self explanatory there but I wanted it as big as possibly and manly looking. I have always liked the old style lettering but never had anything I would really want written on me for life until my girls came along.