Age: 24
Tell me about yourself:
I'm an assistant manager for Michael Hill jewellers in Darwin. About to start studying in HR management in my very little spare time.
Am originally from NSW South Coast, but have lived in Victoria for a few years and currently reside in Darwin.
I love travelling, Ive been to USA, England, France, Thailand and New Caledonia. Im going to Canada and back to America later in the year.
I love the outdoors and wildlife, dream in life- to see a moose in the wild (long story). So last year I went on a hiking trip through Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and Glacier National Park. Saw every animal imaginable- including wild grizzly bears but absolutely no moose. So even more of a reason to go back this year.
I'm lucky to have a great lifestyle, I enjoy my job (playing with diamonds all day, what girl wouldn't), a great boyfriend, and living in Darwin I have sunshine every day so days off consist of laying by the pool and relaxing in this very laid back city.
How many tattoos do you have?:
I have 4 tattoos, 3 of which I strongly dislike and got done quite young as a spur of the moment thing, luckily they are quite small- a heart on my hip, a cherub on my lower back with my last name 'Cooper' below it. The only one I love is my pin up girl on my calf.
Age when you got your first tattoo:
15, the tiny heart. I just wanted to see what it was like and my friend was getting one so I lied about my age.
Do you have a favourite tattoo:
My pin up girl, she is wearing 2 peacocks as a dress. On my calf.
Any more tattoos planned?:
Only one more, I will eventually get around to a small simple one behind my ear, either an extremely simple eiffle tower or just the outlining of a swallow. What ever it is it'll have no detailing.
Favourite style of tattooing…background?:
I dont really have any favourite styles. Im not a fan of southern crosses but thats because every second person has one.
Any other modifications? Piercing etc.?:
When I was a teenager I loved piercings so I had my labret, both beauty spots, nose, belly button, tragus and ears. Never at the same time though, Id just mix it up every so often. I now only have my ears though.
Have you ever felt judged, prejudiced against because of your tattoos:
Not at all, I get asked alot about my girl, as there are people out there that think its more of a male style tattoo due to her showing some boob. Most of the time its good feed back though as her colouring is quite vibrant.
What is your tattoo story?:
My cherub and heart dont really have any meaning behind them I was 15 when I got the heat and 16 when I got the cherub. There was no thought behind them and I regret the cherub as its really bad work. The heart is so small that its not noticeable anyway.
'Cooper' was also a spur of the moment decision, though it was at 2am at Kings Cross after a few too many beverages. I was 19 and having a great night out so decided to get a tatt, I'm not a fan of that one either, I dont mind that its my last name but more so the workmanship and where it is.
My pin up girl was done in Haight Ashbury, San Francisco. I had been thinking about getting a larger tat for a while and have always loved the look of pin up girls and I love peacocks so when I saw her I knew she was the one.
It took 4 hours and hurt like hell as my calf kept on cramping up and twitching.
She has alot of meaning to me because she symbolizes when I was in America, and it was whilst I was there that I decided to completely change my life. When I got back to Australia I left my job, my mortgage and finished up a very unhappy mistake of a marriage and moved up to Darwin.
So every time I look at her I can remember the strength I had to do all that and now live an amazingly happy life with someone I love.