Nokia Own Voice is one of the ultimate apps in a very long time from Nokia. Imagine your own voice giving you directions when using Nokia Ovi Maps, isn't that amazing. I am talking about people who love themselves. This application is a major breakthrough in the GPS navigation industry because we have not seen such an application before. Earlier, the only option that you had was to choose between a very few languages and monotonic voice sounds. Now, all of that is going to change and you can choose between the voice packs for Ovi Maps just the way you select a ringtone for your phone from a huge number of options.
Nokia Own Voice is a very small application sizing about 470KB only. All it does is that it lets you record your voice in a very easy and convenient way for all the keywords or sentences that are required to be announced while navigating your way on Ovi Maps. There are 54 such keywords/sentences that are needed to be recorded in your voice in order to create a voice pack for Ovi Maps. The application interface is very clean and usable. The application displays the keywords/sentences in a sequence with a record/play button. You need to click on the record/stop button and record your voice and then click back on the rec/stop button as soon as you finish. You need to repeat this process until all the 54 words are recorded.