:: Blackberry Bold / Curve Themes ::
The following are themes that have been collected by me through the internet. Theme Expansion and Toxic won the Eveek theme contest online. These themes are in .alx format meaning you just have to use the desktop manager for blackberry to download them into your blackberry. Every one is tested by me except for the Toxic since I don't have a BB curve. Enjoy!
Expansion Theme snapshots:

Enigma Theme snapshots

L Shaped theme snapshots

Orphidian theme (nature-based)

Topdeck Theme snapshots

Toxic Theme for BB Curve snapshots

Toxic available for: 81xx, 83xx, 88xx
Christmas Special Premium Theme

:: Blackberry Bold / Curve Themes ::
The following are themes that have been collected by me through the internet. Theme Expansion and Toxic won the Eveek theme contest online. These themes are in .alx format meaning you just have to use the desktop manager for blackberry to download them into your blackberry. Every one is tested by me except for the Toxic since I don't have a BB curve. Enjoy!
Expansion Theme snapshots:
Enigma Theme snapshots
L Shaped theme snapshots
Orphidian theme (nature-based)
Topdeck Theme snapshots
Toxic Theme for BB Curve snapshots
Toxic available for: 81xx, 83xx, 88xx
Christmas Special Premium Theme
Click below to download