The player gets to manage the three outrageous characters: Wolfman, Dracula and Frankenstein, and to understand the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Victor Frankenstein.They are naturally quite different abilities.Using the basic long-range attack, players have to deal with multiple enemies, literally settles on level 35, it is like a maze.Making their way on them, you need to collect keys that activate the switches, use the teleporter to get to the right place, fight bosses, and besides, if you can finish the level, laid in a specific time or an injury, then earn a bronze, silver or gold rank at the end of the level.
Atoms are the currency may be between the levels spent in the store Igor's Shop to buy a single power-ups, or relics, which havea permanent impact on health, attacking power and speed of the character.Already completed levels can go again to earn more atoms, and particularly skilled players, destroying enemies and objects with special combinations will be able to get a lot more atoms.
2)install :C or :E
3)(X-plore) Copy GBA file TO (:C or :E Data/Other/Vbagx)
4)Run Vbagx App ,Just Start and play the Game
#VBAGX no need register already Cr@ckHERE
Monster Force GBA