Lcg Xplore v1.43 S60v3 Symbian Cracked by MTOi{Hacked & Unhacked Phones}
Cr@cked by..: MTOi
APP Information
APP Name...: X-plore
For un Hacked System
.: For 2 System
Platform...: SymbianOS9.x S60v3.S60v5
version...: V.1.43
Company...: Lonely Cat Games
Rlstype...: cracked
Version history:
1.00 - Initial version
1.01 - Packing files to Zip archive, small bugfixes
1.02 - Selectable UI font size, details of multiselection, key shortcuts for Mark all/none
1.05 - Windows Mobile version, small fixes
1.10 - Russian, German language
1.11 - Czech, Magyar, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish language
1.12 - Belarusian, French, Italian language
1.13 - Polish language, support for cards > 4GB
1.15 - Simple audio player, opening Word 2007 documents
1.20 - Simple video player, Latvian, Romanian language
1.21 - Chinese language
1.22 - Restart option on Symbian S60 3rd ed, Dutch, Azeri language
1.30 - Using phone theme (Symbian S60 3rd ed, UIQ3), fixed hex editor find, fixed shift key editor
1.31 - Small fixes, adaptation to S60 touch devices
1.32 - Fixed long operations (copy, move, delete, zip, extract)
1.33 - Finnish translation
1.34 - Small fixes
1.35 - Image preview (small thumbnail in file list)
1.40 - More kinetic scrolling, some fixes
1.41 - Small fixes
1.42 - Improved file search function (wildcards), small fixes
***1.43 - Fixed Zip creation, Bulgarian language***
Enjoy It !!!
Lcg Xplore v1.43 S60v3 Symbian Cr@cked by MTOi Hacked System
Lcg Xplore v1.43 S60v3 Symbian Cr@cked by MTOi UNHacked System