-Ability to change or add any folder icon;
- Ability to backup / restore menu;
- Ability to rename the icon.Update to version 3.05:
- You can now add their icons to 30 pieces;
- Ability to set standard icons from Nokia will not be replaced by icons theme;
- Very little has changed the internal architecture of the icons.
- It only works on Symbian OS 9.2;
- Only works on the release of smart phones;
- Set only in the memory of a smart phone;
- Before installing remove all previous versions.
# After replacing icons, themes with third icons do not change these folders.
# After the elimination of all programs folder become the standard without pictures.
# To ensure that this does not happen previously, before using the program to copy the file C: / private/101f4cd2/Contentappshell/data.xml (keeps all records on the location of the folders and icons on the menu as well asprescribed for skin icons so).
After removing the program to replace the file was that before.# In the most extreme case, if the backup is lost, then just delete the file in this way, Simbian own original restore the file, all that every place in the menuwill be standard.
Check also that you have not left a program file C: / resource / apps / menu.mif.
If left, then remove the excess waste is not necessary.
Smartphone overburden for the change is not necessary. Just enter the menu, cause Options and select Exit. When input menu overwritten.
To add third icons:
1. Take the appropriate icon in #. MIF;
2. SmartSIS unpack program icon (MIF-utility - Unpack MIF. Specify the file). *. One or more *. SVG, which takes like, and copy in a separate folder....
Repeat asmany times as necessary icons (not more than 10#. SVG in each folder, and not more than 30 in total)
3. Putting all #. SVGshki piles of 10 pieces in a folder. (For once, can pack and less than 10 icons, do not worry);;
4. Go to SmartSIS (MIF-utility - A package of MIF - files in the folder. Specify the folder in which #. SVGshki); SVGshki);
5. The result #. MIF file with several internal ikokami (available online!: / SmartSIS / IMR) in their re-Own.MIF or Own2.MIF, if the file already exists, or if there Own3.MIF and second;
6. Move this (s) file (s) in the C: / resource / apps / MenuEditor.