Reversi Pro II v3.00 + cR@CKED Full Unsigned- Sis Games
The game takes place on the grid size of 8 by 8.Play chips of two colors.
*. Start position.
At the beginning of the game is located on the four chips in the center of the field so that the chips, the same color, located diagonally to each other.
*. Terms of progress.
At each turn you have the right to free cell chip set, request your color up.In this case all the chips the opponent, which are in the range between the new and any of your other, are turned over to your color up.
*. The purpose of the game.
Purpose of the game - at the end of the game have more chips than your opponent.The game ends when none of the players have no moves.Usually, when the field is completely filled.
*. Strategy games.
Not always the best way to capture the greatest number of chips the enemy.As a rule, you should first try to occupy the corners of the field.
For screen resolutions: 240x320 and 320x240.