Tomb Raider Underworld 3D V1.7.1 240x320 176x208 360x640
Supplier: Eidos Mobile
Language: English
Genre: Action thousand years ago the priests of the Mayan people created the calendar.As it was calculated solar and lunar eclipses, according to it sacrificed the blood of the victim threatening the gods with it on could open the doors to the world of spirits and communicate with old fathers.But the once-mighty civilization has fallen, along with the last priests of the ancient people had gone into oblivion and the mystery of the calendar.Rumors about him survived the ages, looking for his Spanish conquistadors and priests, wizards and adventurers.But only one man can overcome swarming with wild beasts in the jungle and down lost Mayan city - the famous Tomb Raider.
Her name is Lara.Lara Croft.
Tomb Raider Underworld 3D V1.7.1 240x320.
Tomb Raider Underworld 3D V1.7.1 176x208
Tomb Raider Underworld 3D V1.7.1 360x640