Y-Browser is a free filemanager application designed for S60 3rd edition Symbian smartphones. All testing is done with Nokia S60devices only, but it should work as well with other manufacturers S60 smartphones.
Currently Y-Browser only supports 3rd and 5th edition S60 mobile phones. This version is touch enabled, but not yet touch optimized. No plans to support for earlier edition S60 or UIQ mobile phones are planned.
Incase you feel that some file support or other type of functionality is missing from the Y-Browser S60 file manager, then you could visit NewLC and start implementing your own Symbian Ecom plug-ins for Y-Browser.
Y-Browser is currently available in 37 languages, from which following 34 has been updated:
English, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Brazilian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (PRC), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian, Czech , Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Ukraina .
Following 3, are not updated with new strings added to the 0.89: Lithuanian, Japanise, and Macedonian
And if your language is not included at all, then please download YBrowser_LanguageStrings_v088.xls and translate the strings. Note that there is five sheets in the excel file and some of them are quite long, thus remember to scroll. Plug-in modules are currently available only in english
P.S If you get "update error" go to "app.mgr" and delete all extra files from "Y-browser" and "Y-browser"