Language: English
Genre: Fighting
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Old masterpiece in PDA performance
Despite the fact that the Game Boy Advance - the console is quite powerful and popular, with portable fighting games the situation here is bad and to this day.Unfortunately, an extremely simplified in comparison with the original Mortal Kombat Advance, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival and Guilty Gear X: Advance Edition failed to live up to their high trust and spent the money: in each game was good, only a single dimension, and this for the title of a quality project, agree, not enough.And since with the latest on the fighting game scene GBA Well nothing went wrong, two years ago, the company Capcom has decided to transfer to a portable format for its long-standing hit,Street Fighter Alpha 3(Street Fighter Zero 3 in Japan), which is now good for five years excites minds of the owners of PS one, Saturn and Dreamcast.
Home Crawfish Interactive merit lies in the fact that they managed not only to preserve all available in the original version ofthe three dozen fighters, but also add three new ones.Guests came from the "new generation� Street Fighter III, which has a positive surprise - Capcom has never collides head-on characters of different generations.Despite some differences in the formulation of battle SFA3 and SFIII (and this, ask to see two very different game mechanics), representatives of "new blood" feel comfortable and did not complain.
The second achievement - the original gameplay, preserved when porting a pristine untouched.All superudar, tricks and combos have remained in their seats - even with a very limited number of buttons (in comparison with the versions ofStreet Fighter Alpha 3for the previous platform).Manage gameplay is not less convenient than using the gamepad PS one, and at the same time - much easier than through the clumscontroller DC.Fights have lost none of its beauty and entertainment, and certainly will not disappoint versus-mode, which leaves behind even joint battle in an entertaining Guilty Gear X: Advance Edition.
Of course, the schedule had to be simplified, but the developers did this so skilfully that the significant difference is almostnot notice.The level of detail of the sprites a bit down, but they are the same colorful.Backgrounds also impressive - almost a full copy of the original prototypes.Also - very, very smooth animation.Similarly, the quality still can not boast any GBA-fighting game.If you where serious and noticeable differences in graphics, so it is in the implementation of special effects.Illuminated same effects now also sprite.Although this is obvious, but the quality of the technical performance of the same "flaming sword" does not find fault.In general, the visual component of the handheldStreet Fighter Alpha 3is great - much better than in-game rivals.
Unfortunately, developers still had to make some sacrifices.The first thing that upsets - no remarkable treatment World Tour, which in the original version was perhaps the most interestingand exciting.Alas, we will not have to travel the world in search of a worthy opponent, accumulate experience points to get higher levels, learn new techniques and make them songs - and we like the place had it all right here, in a pocket version!MISS certainly annoying, but surely forced - GBA cartridge size greatly limits the possibilities.However, in one mode (albeit such advanced) pebble not converged - there are also others.
The second weak point of the project - a terrible sound quality.Particularly surprising is not necessary - a common problem of games for GBA, but less sad when listening to crooked versions offamiliar tracks from it becomes.
By the end remains the only state the fact: in the person of aging, but still very, very strong hit Capcom handheld console Nintendo has perhaps the only serious 2D-fighting game.I could quite easily even with little extra thought to put the game a perfect score, if not a couple of annoying (albeit well-informed) deficiencies and a five-year age of the original game.Even so,Street Fighter Alpha 3- one of the most powerful projects in the library of GBA.
