From VibrateCall you do not have to keep your phone at your ear, waiting until the caller responds to your call.
The developers say that the radiation of the phone when the connection is 20 times higher than that at the time of call, so using this application you'll be able to reduce the effects of radiation.
How it works:
After dialing, smart phone starts to vibrate and the vibrations will stop only after the caller would hang up.
The program allows you to also include the car kit phone, as separate from the action of vibration, and along with it.
There autostart application and the ability to hide in order not hung in the system tray.
Update from 29.07.09
Registration ID: 12345
Supported models:N76, N78, N79, N81, N82, N85, N95 (8GB), N96, 5800, 5700, E51, E63, E66, E71, E90, 6290, 6120, 6210, 6220, 6121, 6110, 5320.
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