MobiFunSoft SmartSettings v2.50 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned

Smart Settings adds a “Start menu” to the phone for quick access to your favorite applications(by exactly 2 keystrokes). It alsogives the possibility to disable the default lock/unlock combination “Unlock+*” and define new, more convenient ones.
Main features:
*.Start Menu:
It provides a way to customize your phone so that it looks in your own unique way. You can use these set of features for quick access of your favourite applications. For them you can chose speed keys (1-9). After that, they will be accessible by the Left or Right Selection Key + Their Speed Key.
*.Easy Unlock:Forget the boring Unlock + * and choose the most convenient unlock combination for yourself. Your phone has neverbeen that cool and secure
*.Define the name displayed over the “Start menu” soft key.
*.Define a message which will be displayed on a keystroke in case the keypad is locked and “Unlock + *” is disabled
*.Define an auto lock with application –exceptions, where the keypad won’t lock

MobiFunSoft SmartSettings v2.50 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x U
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