MeCanto 1.0.4377 (Updated_ 20_08_09)

MeCanto 1.0.4377 ((Updated: 20/08/09)) Incl. Desktop (Your Music Collection OnLine)
((Updated: 20/08/09)) Incl. Desktop (Your Music Collection OnLine)
Uploading Desktop app, and adding screenshots and description...
ChangeLog: MeCanto S60 Software
Version 1.0.4377
* Changes to player GUI: larger buttons for touch screen devices.
* Added indication of offline tracks (files that can't be played because they haven't uploaded yet, and their source PC is offline).
* Automatically skip offline tracks during playback (the show must go on approach).
* Removed volume buttons from large screen devices (devices have volume buttons anyway) - using those buttons on touch interfacedidn't work too well.
* Improved buttons response on touch devices.
* Store password only after a successful login (no point in storing wrong credentials).
* Changed library icons to be slightly larger (looks better).

MeCanto 1.0.4377 (Updated_ 20_08_09)
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