Kxting v1.6.0 [EN] translated by cupinthemud
updated on 30-july-09
Description is translated from google with some minor changes by me.
Change log:
1. To improve the optimization of registration to avoid double registration status.
2. To amend part of the phone to switch songs appeared out of the question of abnormal
3. To improve the overall performance of the application.
4. Optimize the scanning process of local songs
5. Optimize the performance of online music download
6. To improve the songs, To remove the issue of lyrics
7. To improve the list and add features to add custom songs
8. Optimize the songs ID3 information modification
9. To improve the structure in the music module display
10. To improve the performance of a balanced and sound
11. Optimization of image upload and display status
12. Update logo resources online dynamic display
13. To improve the dynamic of the album playback
14. Optimization of online music search
15. To improve the online image access time
many thanks to Chickenz & DDeathMetaL the =CnD Team= for the translation of the previous version as it was very helpful in translating this. The credit for modifying the interface goes to these guys.
It is only 246x320 resolution.
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