
TimeBar - program to deploy anywhere in the display clock (digital), on top of everything.In addition, the program has an alarm feature - audible alarm on the selected clock, for example, every hour.
- 12-and 24-hour time format;
- Automatic synchronization of time-to-date on the smartphone;
- Support files MP3, AAC, WAV for warning time;
- Set up the location (coordinates), color and type font, transparency, display the clock;
- Autoload.
Changes in version 1.60:
- Supports Mp3, AAC formats;
- Auto-configuration;
- Fixed bug with time synchronization.
Executing the program, you will likely see only a hook in the upper left corner, and then only if the skin will allow.The clock will display fine print, small size, black color.But changing the font in the theme, size, location, color - and behold, we get everywhere, and the stylized display clock.
Different themes, if you are want to, you can choose the appropriate combination of settings.Of course, not all applications of color will be beautiful, but for the majority to get the best picture possible.
You can even include the hours only in those applications where it is particularly necessary that, not miss the moment when it's time and the matter addressed.
