Total Patrol v2.1.25 Unsigned
Significantly enhance the ability of your alert. You can use three kinds of signals: sound, vibration, illumination. When you set each alarm can be configured: the volume, taking into account the profile, alarm time, rhythm vibrosignala and lights. And you can customize the alerts for each of otlezhivaemyh events, and as soon as possible for all.
Included requests:
#Playing the melody from the list at the moment of choice tunes.
#Expand the possibilities for setting up the sound. Make a general setting for the entire program, but for each of the alerts, you can choose: to use a general or a private scheme to set up alerts.Give the opportunity to designate the volume signal. Consider that in the profile is selected increscent signal. Ability to specify a time period in which you can send a signal.
#Replace the signal-to-point vibration on the vibration-tire.One signal is short, the next longest.The interval between the signals does not change.
#Include a message to one-time flashing screen when the screen lights up briefly on a couple of seconds and slowly extinguished.
# For each type of signal (sound, vibration, flashing) to adjust the alarm period.
# The first reminder for calls and SMS to be over a given period, a reminder of the lowest grade immediately.
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