Lyric Editor 1.01 By Richer Law@ZnTX(Signed)

Are you finding a live lyric for a song audio?Are you want to make a live lyric for the new song audio?Now you can make it yourself easily through your symbian mobile phone with "python for symbian" installed, using "Lyric Editor".
All you have to do just load the audio, and the lyric text file or input the lyric content.pressing "Start",and the audio will be play.then press the "Green Key (Dial Key)"(just press the "Green Key") for each sentence, the tool will add the time-mark for the lyric text witch was loaded,when finished, you can save the text as a lrc file.
Supports audio:mp3, wma, aac
Supports text file:text file(.txt) with UTF8 or unicode encoding

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