Valhalla Chat 0.2.2 Instant Messenger for bluetooth

Valhalla Chat 0.2.2[/U]

Valhalla Chat is an Instant Messenger for bluetooth devices.
What this means;
An instant messenger in general terms, offers (at least) typed text communication between users, just like: AIM, Microsoft messenger, Yahoo! messenger, Jabber, Skype and so on.
However, there's a big difference with Valhalla Chat and all these messaging systems. All these programs need a internet connexion or at least a local network set up before connecting to each other.
Valhalla Chat doesn't need a network or any kind of setup. The two important requirements for Valhalla Chat are:
* A bluetooth-able device.
* To be in the signal range of at least another Valhalla chat user. Your range will be something from 10 to 100 meters.
· MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.0

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